5 ways the nighttime teaches us about hope

In life, we can all say that we’ve been through some things or are going through some tribulations. There’s not one of us who hasn’t experienced a situation that may have been difficult to bear. Whether it involves you or a loved one, or both, it can and often will have a profound effect on one’s life.

Sometimes, the situation can be one thing, other times it feels like a chain reaction of multiple things in life. But no matter what difficulties come our way, there is always hope. After the nighttime comes a brand-new day. The darkness of night, or difficulties, allows us to fully see God’s light every morning.

As we enter into a new month, let’s remember what the nighttime allows us to hope for with each new day.

Here are five ways that the nighttime teaches us about hope.

1. In the darkness of night, light will still shine

Even in dark times, light finds its way to shine through. In the Bible, in John 1:5, it states, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” God is light. His light is the ultimate truth and perfection. It is mercy, grace and all things good. Just because He is good, doesn’t mean we won’t face challenges in life. These difficulties can represent darkness and times that are hard to see through. Despite going through dark places, we must always remember that darkness can never overcome the light, which will always find its way to shine.

2. After the nighttime comes a new sunrise

Every evening as the sun sets and night falls, it is reassuring to know that in a few hours, there will be a new sunrise. This represents hope. Despite not knowing what the new day will bring, we know that it comes after the darkness has ended. It is this expectation and anticipation at night that produces hope.

3. The stars shine brightest in the darkness of night

Although hope isn’t something you can see necessarily or physically touch, it is essential to our very core being and essence. When we experience trials and tribulations, which all of us have and will, we must remember that analogously, you can’t see any majestic stars out in the night sky without it being extremely dark outside. Whether manmade lights are turned on outdoors, or it’s still too early in the day, you won’t be able to see the beautiful stars shining brightly without darkness to make them stand out. It is in this darkness, that we can reflect on our lives and still let our light shine, despite difficult or overwhelming situations. Stand out even on dark days and with hope, shine bright.

4. The light of the moon at night doesn’t detract from the light of the sun in the daytime

When night falls, we can see the moon shining in the sky, something beautiful in its own right. The night sky can be inspiring when you realize the vastness of the universe and the mysterious glow of the enigmatic moon. The moonlight is quite radiant, but at the same time also very mellow. It shines with brilliance and is recognizable at nighttime. Synonymously, just like the moonlight, you have to realize the amazing gifts and talents God gave you and know that you can shine. Never stop shining and never lose hope.

5. We know that tomorrow is not promised, but we still hope for it the day before

Every night, we go to sleep, not knowing if our eyes will open and our hearts will beat for the next day. But we still close our eyes, steady our hearts and we sleep anyways. That is hope through the night. As Vincent Van Gogh once stated, “For my part, I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me want to dream.” Nothing in life is promised or certain. However, that is why we have hope. It allows us to stay optimistic and have expectations for each new day.

It is hope that gives us the strength to keep going despite difficulties. Hope is believing that God will fulfill His promise and knowing that He will.

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